Killaloe Cycle Against Suicide 2015 will take place on Saturday May 2nd 2015 – 1…
Killaloe Cycle Against Suicide 2015 will take place on Saturday May 2nd 2015 – 11am at the Green. The cycle will go from Killaloe to Nenagh so as to link up with the national cycle that will arrive into Nenagh for a lunch time stop at Nenagh College on Dromin Road.
Please register for the Killaloe Cycle here; (its free and its for a great cause!)
If you are interested in doing for the National Cycle, please register here
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Killaloe Cycle Against Suicide 2015 – Doodle: easy scheduling
KIllaloe Cycle Against Suicide 2015 :- Killaloe to Nenagh – 25km – 02 May 2015 at 11am Departing: The Green, Killaloe, Co. Clare. If you intend taking part please add your name below to allow us to organise a safe cycle and tick the box for 11:00. If you intend continuing with the main cycle from Ne…