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June 15, 2012

Fishing for Kids Killaloe/Ballina is promoting one day or three day courses for…

by Discover Killaloe

Fishing for Kids Killaloe/Ballina is promoting one day or three day courses for young people during July and August where they will be introduced to fishing in a friendly and safe environment. All fishing equipment is supplied, for more information contact Noel Bugler at 086 7856633.
Community Notes by Jack Hogan, Queally’s SuperValu, Killaloe.

Fishing for Kids | Fun on Lough Derg
At Fishing For Kids we believe that we can open up a whole new world of outdoor adventure where each child is left with a lasting impression and memories that will bring them back to the water time and time again. Fishing For Kids offers a day course to young people where they are introduced to…

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