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September 27, 2013

New Season Message from the Chairman

by Ballina Killaloe RFC

Dear Club Member/Parent,

Welcome back to the new rugby season. It’s great to see so many energetic and enthusiastic children down playing rugby every week.

Clarisford Update:

As part of our commitment to Clarisford Park, we paid €60,000.00 last October. For this we received a 35 year lease on a new playing pitch and a training paddock. For reference, our playing pitch is the big enclosed area down in the Park and it will become live in October this year. The training paddock is next to the soccer pitch. This payment represents great value for money with the grounds works alone costing €100,000.00.

Our €60,000.00 came from several different sources: proceeds from Rugby Club fund raising events, proceeds from SRS fund raising events, a significant and generous community contribution from Technopath, and an interest free loan from an anonymous member.

We owe Clarisford Park a huge debt of gratitude for their hard work and funds put into this venture.

Attached is an update announcement from Clarisford Park that makes fantastic reading.

You will see from the announcement that we will get to use the new 3G All weather pitch at no cost during Oct on a trial basis. Your coaches will provide more information in terms of footwear and times etc in due course.

For the purposes of clarity, it is the Club’s intention to continue to fund any future renting of pitches. This is made possible by those of you who continue to support our fundraising events and my sincere thanks to you for that.


Alan Frahill
Chairman, Ballina Killaloe RFC

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