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February 28, 2012

Are you a tad Rajasic? Rajas is the second of the 3 Gunnas (universal energies…

by Satmya

Are you a tad Rajasic?

Rajas is the second of the 3 Gunnas (universal energies). It is responsible for motion, energy and preservation and thereby upholds and maintains the activity of the other two gunnas, Sattva and Tamas. This is natures protective and maintenance mode. It helps us to sustain what Sattva has created.
It is activity, it generates motion and expresses itself as the ability to organise and implement.

Unfortunately our modern lives promote an excess of Rajas. It is acceptable & indeed encouraged to be constantly busy, to exercise excessively and to be covetous. In Ayurvedic terms this way of living is Rajasic and it leads to hyperactivity, aggression, severe attachment, regrettable actions and generally has a disturbing influence on the mind.

The Rajasic questionnaire:

Do you work excessively hard or find it difficult to stop working?
Are you constantly craving?
Are you extremely active?
Are you easily excitable?
Are you too passionate?
Do you get agitated regularly?
Can you be selfish with your possessions & your time?
Can you be greedy?
Do you think a lot about your image?
Do you knowingly make wrong decisions?
Do you suffer from stress, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, etc?
Do you take stimulants to keep yourself going?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may be a tad Rajasic. Ayurveda recommends that men should be 20% Rajasic and women should be 10% Rajasic. For many people this percentage is much higher and this results in disease and discontent. Excess Rajas severs the link to Sattva. Ladies must be especially careful not to increase Rajas as this is very detrimental to their hormonal balance & femininity.

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