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September 18, 2012

Autumn update 2012 – back to school

by elaine

Good & Green – autumn 2012 update

There is a slow down in the garden now as the daylight hours get shorter and we are in the midst of changing over from summer to winter crops in the tunnels. New winter salad, salad rocket and coriander are in the ground and doing well. Our tomatoes and cucumbers are still cropping well, but basil and French beans are coming to an end for this year.

For the months to the year end we hope to have a good selection of greens, herbs and salads and have enough potatoes, onions and leeks for the next couple of months. However, the growth from November on is always much slower, so quantities of produce will reduce in line with the season.

In other news, I have recently been offered a place on the first MSc course in Organic Horticulture run in Ireland. It is a fulltime course for one year run by UCC. We hope it will help us to improve our growing practice and to help us to better develop our farm and business over the coming years.

This will mean that I have to travel to and from Cork and study for the year. As a result our weekly order system may have to change as the course goes along. For the time being we will continue to post the produce list as usual on the website, but it is likely that the selection will be reduced for the coming winter.

We will also supply some produce to Supervalu, to be delivered by midday every Friday.

Thank you for all the orders we have had up to now – I hope that this training will mean that we can offer even better produce and service in the future.

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