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June 14, 2012

Baby development My baby at 11 months old was still not sitting up properly and…

by Kincora Therapy Centre

Baby development
My baby at 11 months old was still not sitting up properly and was behind his peers in terms of development. Despite seeing physiotherapists and consultants we still weren’t seeing any improvements. I had seen Jackie myself for IBS and she’d taken a keen interest in my son as she got me in good health to conceive him. I emailed her late one Friday night to tell her that his motor skills seemed delayed and how upset we were and I got a call the next morning telling us to go and see her that day. No doctors could tell us what was wrong with him and all the regular tests came back clear. We’ve seen Jackie for 10 Bowen sessions (approximately 10 minutes at a time) and the improvement is remarkable. He’s now 14 months and sitting and crawling and has caught up with his peers. We are absolutely delighted and can’t thank Jackie enough. After each session, even the first one, we saw an improvement. Also he was much happier and far less frustrated. He was always in such a good mood after the sessions, it made life much easier for us as tired new parents!
Client: Victoria L.
Bowen practitioner: Jackie Reader
What results have you seen with Bowen technique?

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