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May 11, 2010

Baby fever, day 3

by mumandminder

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. It’s so worrying having a baby with a temperature and it doesn’t get any easier when you’ve had three children, you feel just as frightened, just as confused as to what is the right thing to do. It feels like I’ve gone right back to being a 21 year old new mum.

Thus far, I have not taken him to the GP as I know what they will do, I will be given an antibiotic prescription I don’t want to use. This infection comes literally with every new tooth so why give another antibiotic?

But this morning, as I was lying beside this hot little body, clinging to me as I was trying to keep him cool, stripped down to his vest, I considered it.

And yet now, I have a happy little man, still dressed in just a vest which is covered in Holle organic baby muesil from Siopa beag. I think we’ll hold out for another few hours.

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