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April 16, 2012

Bluebell Flower essence This Essence helps to open the heart. It is for those wh…

by Satmya

Bluebell Flower essence
This Essence helps to open the heart. It is for those who feel cut off from their feelings. The emotion is there, but is held within. They are subconsciously afraid to express it for they fear their feelings of love, joy, etc. are finite or not renewable. They operate from a subconscious fear that there is just not enough and that if they let go of what they have, they will not survive. This fear can often be marked by a controlling, rigid and forthright manner.

Negative Condition:
Fear of lack

Positive Outcome:
Opens the heart
Belief in abundance
Universal trust
Joyful sharing
Unconditional love

Available from Satmya as a single essence (€7) or as part of a combination essence (€10)

(Please note – Do not ingest bluebell as it is toxic)

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