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February 4, 2015

Boru Tri Club’s Facebook Wall 2015-02-04 16:26:13

by Boru Tri Club

Nenagh Triathlon

RACE DATES CONFIRMED Hi everyone, we are delighted to announce our race dates for 2015 are finalised. We are having two races this year.North Tipp SprintOur traditional pool sprint triathlon will be held in Nenagh swimming pool on the 11th of April, this is a great way to start the race year for beginners and seasoned triathletes. The route is same as previous years, the bike is a fast out and back route and the run is around Nenagh, more details to follow. The entry fee is €30 which is great value for the race.Lough Derg SprintThe Lough Derg Sprint will be held on the 18th of July in Dromineer. this is our second year of holding the event and was a resounding success in its first year, we will aim to make it even better this year. The route is the same and again we aim to improve on the race. The entry fee is €35.We in Nenagh Triathlon believe in putting on a quality race at a quality price that is why we will be offering a discount on entering both races for a total €55.Full details to follow and online entry will open soon please like and share as to help spread the wordthank you

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