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November 1, 2012

Candy & Moon beauty info of the day: We age in three different ways. 1. Genetic…

by Candy & Moon

Candy & Moon beauty info of the day:
We age in three different ways.
1. Genetic Ageing – which starts from the day that we are born and can't be stopped but we can absolutely slow it dramatically down. Imagine the condition your teeth would be in if you never went to see a dental hygienist, you would have a lot of dental decay, fillings needed or even a root canal or two !!! I like to use this analagy cos it simply explains why deep cleansing maintenance facials are needed for our general skin health which in turn slows down our genetic ageing.
2. Environmental Ageing – this ageing is responsible for 80% of our ageing and is the easiest to treat as a lot of it can be treated by making simple changes in our lifestyle i.e. reduce stress levels, improve your diet, quit smoking, use the correct topical products for your skin and use sunscreen EVERY DAY !!So it's up to you this one, so If you want super skin you have to consider all of those things but don't worry if you have a bad day just make sure
to have a good day too :-) it's all about balance !!
3. Hormonal Ageing – This type of ageing begins 10 years prior to menopause, it happens because our female hormone 'eostrogen' depletes and testosterone becomes more prevalent in our system. Eostrogen is responsible for the production of collagen, elasticity and our natural moisturisers within our skin, so if we lose eostrogen we lose all the above and start to experience facial hair growth, deep lines and wrinkles and saggy skin so your skin will need plant eostrogens to prevent this happening and I recommend Murads Resurgence products which are designed to treat this exact ageing.

Which one do you suffer from? If you are not sure or thing you have all then book in for a skin consultation today x

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