Have you entered the Great Limerick Run? Free entry here up for grabs – Like and…
Have you entered the Great Limerick Run?
Free entry here up for grabs – Like and Share
Timeline Photos
33 days to go. Would you like a FREE ENTRY?
Like our page and share it with your friends.
Winner picked Friday 3rd April.
Like & Share……….
Cadence is King!
Cadence is King!
훈련하는데 밤낮이 따로 있나요오늘도 주어진 일에 최선을 다할뿐입니다…광명팀/ 장경수(경륜선수)
For any solo cyclist thinking of joining a group – this says it all. Particularl…
For any solo cyclist thinking of joining a group – this says it all.
Particularly like the bit on recovery – we HAVE to go for coffee and buns..its the law
How to Cycle in a Group – The Cycling Blog
Cycling in a group can be very enjoyable and rewarding when done correctly, but can be frustrating and hard work if some simple rules are not followed.
11 days to go! If you have not yet entered and want to test your speed climbing…
11 days to go!
If you have not yet entered and want to test your speed climbing – enter now by clicking on the link – further info available on http://www.eventbrite.ie/e/boru-tri-club-hoorovahill-challenge-2015-tickets-15791919055
Its free to enter – for Boru Tri Club and TI members – limited numbers so get your name in!
Cover Photos
New challenge – test your climbing speed and endurance click on the link to register
A great day’s racing in Ennis at the National Series Duathlon run by Ennis TC in…
A great day’s racing in Ennis at the National Series Duathlon run by Ennis TC in spite of squally showers, cross winds and head winds(anything but tail winds!)
Fastest runs on the day go to Michael Kelly, with fastest bike to Martin Pearl – pipping Paul Dorrell’s bike time by a whole second!
First man overall home though goes to Martin Pearl, followed by Michael Kelly, Paul Dorrell, Ray Hickey and Donagh O’Sullivan
Special mention should also go to Juniors Darragh Hickey and Ruthie Hickey – who both did very well, Ruthie bringing home a Bronze on her first ever Duathlon.
Well done everyone! – you are now officially known as the Hardy Bunch.
Clocks go forward tonight! Best of luck to all Boruvians racing in Ennis Duathl…
Clocks go forward tonight!
Best of luck to all Boruvians racing in Ennis Duathlon tomorrow at 10.30am
Numbers may be light tomorrow as many are racing and some are supporting – however propose that anyone who wants to cycle in the am meet at 8.30 Planet tri… please note below if you are hoping to spin out.
It's coming!
Age is no restriction to triathlon and its a great way to get fit! If you are in…
Age is no restriction to triathlon and its a great way to get fit!
If you are interested in giving it a whirl – contact us for advice on training, join in with our bike and run sessions and plan for BORUMAN on 13th June!
63 Year Old Granny completes first triathlon — sportswomen.ie
Sue Faulkner a granny completed her first triathlon and wants more.
Good exercise for cyclists too – for those of you prone to "crunchy knees" imba…
Good exercise for cyclists too – for those of you prone to "crunchy knees"
imbalance in the vastus medialis quads muscle can affect tracking of the knee cap – this is one way of help it
Monday Minute: VMO Dip
In this video Matt Fitzgerald describes the VMO Dip, an exercise that can help alleviate knee pain and develop more efficient knee cap
Interested in taking part in your first triathlon and want to know more about it…
Interested in taking part in your first triathlon and want to know more about it?
or maybe interested in getting more practice and improving your skills – training days are one way to go
You can always contact us for help and advice at pro.borutriclub@gmail.com or alternatively come to our training sessions and talk to our trainers about what is involved.
– http://www.triathlonireland.com/index.php?id=107&nid=2161
- Triathlon Ireland
The following beginners training days are being held in Munster. The aim of the day is to introduce people to triathlon, take part in skill based sessions and help them target a race.