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June 5, 2013

Extra value options

by elaine

We are trying to make our fresh produce as affordable as possible for our customers. As such we are offering a couple of options this year to give extra value. The choices to buy this year are:

1. Drop-in – for customers who like to see the quality and pick their own items from our market display.

2. Preorder – with this system you can order individual items from the available produce list for the week. This will be ready for you to collect on Friday afternoon, up to 7pm.

3. Mixed box – For customers who would like extra value and use a broad range of vegetables we can make up a selection from the produce available and will include 15% extra produce FREE. This can be to the value of 15, 20 or 25 euro. It will always have a mix of greens, root veg, herbs and whatever is ready to harvest.

If you would be interested in joining a CSA scheme (community supported agriculture) please contact us to discuss. If we have enough interest we are considering introducing a pilot scheme.

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