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May 24, 2010

finding my feet

by mumandminder

The sun was splitting the rocks this past weekend and judging by the radio, the enitre country was in their garden engaging in the great Irish tradition of attempting to turn a nice shade of beetroot as soon as the sun comes out!

Well, on Saturday I was not with them, but I was as happy as a clam to be just getting the odd glimpse of the lovely sunshine. Partly because us redheads are not really able for the heat, and partly because I was meeting up with fellow childminders to discuss our thoughts and ideas on childminding. I really enjoy the opportunity to meet with fellow childminders that I am afforded by being part of childminding Ireland, its great to meet up with others who are also racking their brains coming up with activities, menu’s and outings, makes me feel a little less crazy!

After hearing from the other childminders on their ideas and what they do in services, I always return home refreshed and full of ideas to try!

This evening the school age children here will be planting some herbs(donated by a friend in Dublin)  and starting their nature diaries (idea came to me during Siolta training!)

And of course…I’ll keep you ‘posted!’

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