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November 26, 2012

Forinformation about the upcoming TI National Coaching Series, the lectures are…

by Boru Tri Club

Forinformation about the upcoming TI National Coaching Series, the lectures are being lead by High Performance Director Chris Jones and will be of great value to anyone with an interest in triathlon training or looking to progress their coaching experience.

You will receive 4 full days of lectures and practical learning with the first 50 people to sign up entered into a draw for 4 x swim smooth training books and 2 x TrainingPeaks Accounts valued at $120.

TI National Coaching Series – Triathlon Ireland
The aim of this programme is to deliver a progressive series of workshops that offer a high level of learning around all areas of performance endurance sport. You will be presented with the most up to date material, detailed training plans and how the worlds best athletes train.

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