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April 30, 2013

Hill Running Wednesday night league starts this Wednesday 1 May. Nice flat trot…

by Boru Tri Club

Hill Running Wednesday night league starts this Wednesday 1 May. Nice flat trot around the Clare Glens…..

The first week of summer brings with it the first of 8 races in the Munster Wednesday League 2013 at Clare Glens this Wednesday at 8pm. It consists of three loops (two for Juniors) of the marked Clare Glens trail loop, going anti-clockwise (up the valley on the Limerick side, and down on the Tipperary side). The route gives a total of 190m of climb over 9.6km. We can't guarantee that the cailĂ­n in the video with the fiddle will be there though!

Comment below if you're interested and want to car pool from Killaloe/Ballina.

Clare Glens Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
The Clare Glens east of the village of Newport, Co.Tipperary, is a beautiful dense naturally occurring wooded area, adjacent to the banks of the Clare River, latter…

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