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June 5, 2012

Hypnotension: The new programme for High Blood Pressure is Now Available How to…

by Kincora Therapy Centre

Hypnotension: The new programme for High Blood Pressure is Now Available
How to lower your blood pressure in 12 weeks without drugs

Medication is undoubtedly an important weapon in the battle against hypertension (High Blood Pressure). But a study in the American Journal of Cardiology, confirmed that therapeutic lifestyle change based approaches, like the new Hypnotension£ programme, can be as effective.

The study found that changes in lifestyle can have a big impact on high blood pressure. In fact, after 12 weeks they discovered that more than 60% of those with high blood pressure met their blood pressure goals, without the use of medication.

High blood pressure accounts for 20-25% of all deaths and affects approximately one in three people worldwide. That’s over 16 Million people in the UK, and 50 million people in the USA. Unfortunately, in 90% of cases of high blood pressure (the ‘Primary’ or ‘Essential’ Hypertension cases), doctors are unable to find a physical cause – and that’s where the Hypnotension£ programme can help.

There are Hypnotension practitioners throughout the UK and now the world. To find a Hypnotension£ practitioner near you simply search using your postcode at:

If you or someone you know suffers with high blood pressure, why not take a look at how the Hypnotension programme could help you lower your blood pressure in less than 12 weeks.

Visit for more information on this exciting new programme.

Find a Hypnotension Practitioner | Hypnotension™
Find a Hypnotension Practitioner We are actively training suitably qualified hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners to deliver the Hypnotension programme, so if there is not a practitioner nearby yet, please join our mailing list and we’ll keep you updated. Search Near: You can enter a street a…

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