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February 21, 2014

Interesting read for our runners. Pelvic stabilisation and performance can be im…

by Boru Tri Club

Interesting read for our runners. Pelvic stabilisation and performance can be improved with Core strength and stabilisation in the abductors (outer hip) and adductors (inner thigh) not to mention the deeper muscles of the core, spine, hip etc – these support your pelvis while the bigger ones propel you.
Pilates…TRX…Core work/dynamic planks all benefit the athlete in the prevention of injury and increased performance!
Ask anyone who has had an injury and tried it
(Thanks for the link Gary Madden:)

Achilles Pain, Poor Glute Control Linked
Over the last few years, sports medicine professionals examining injuries have increasingly looked at what they call the kinetic chain, or the body parts that work together during an athletic movement. (In layperson's terms, the hip bone's connected to the knee bone, and so on.) For example, it's no…

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