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August 12, 2014

Kincora Therapy Centre’s Facebook Wall 2014-08-12 22:06:24

by Kincora Therapy Centre

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Bruxism: Signs, Symptoms, and Implications by Dr. Janette Candia. If you wake up in the morning with soreness in your jaw and a case of throbbing headache, then it is very possible that you are suffering from bruxism. More popularly referred to as teeth grinding, bruxism is just that— the often unconscious grinding and clenching of the teeth. Bruxism is a serious oral health condition in the sense that it can cause teeth to become loose from the gums and painful. Furthermore, frequently recurring episodes of bruxism can literally result to gradual ground away of the teeth. It is also not unheard of for cases of teeth grinding to eventually cause temporomandibular disorder. Bruxism results from a variety of causes. Experts from both the medical community believe that bruxism is more than a habit. At present, there is a growing belief that bruxism is largely related to stress or anxiety. As such, it is also possible that bruxism could possibly result from medicines that are prepared to treat depression. Dental experts are also convinced that bruxism results from the improper alignment of the teeth. It is also possible that teeth grinding is symptomatic of rare diseases that affect the facial nerves and muscles. People who suffer from chronic cases of teeth grinding can easily damage their teeth, break their dental fillings, and wear away their dental enamel overtime. Teeth grinding when left untreated naturally results to a wide range of unwanted dental problem. As such, it is I best to seek professional dental help if you are suffering even from a mild case of bruxism. Among the most prominent symptoms of bruxism include a dull headache in the morning, an unexplained pain in the face. At the very heart of modern oral healthcare are professional dental solutions.

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