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February 29, 2012

Part 3 Are you Tamasic? Tamas is the 3rd of the 3 Gunnas (universal energies)….

by Satmya

Part 3
Are you Tamasic?

Tamas is the 3rd of the 3 Gunnas (universal energies). It is nature’s way of completing things. It represents latent energy without which rest or sleep would not be possible.It provides order through its binding energies like gravity. A certain amount of Tamas is necessary to maintain balance in life (in men 10% and women 20%) but often this energy may be more dominant in some and cause disease states of the body & mind.

Tamas joins the spirit with laziness, ignorance and excessive tiredness. It unites us to ignorance, laziness and neglect, concealing knowledge. It has a downward movement that produces disintegration and decay. It is associated with the dark and disillusionment. Negligence, disillusionment and ignorance come out of Tamas. Unfortunately much of our modern lifestyles, diet and entertainment fall under the influence of Tamas and in turn we become more Tamasic in nature.

The Tamasic questionnaire:
Are you pessimistic?
Are you self destructive?
Are you lazy?
Do you dislike learning anything new?
Do you choose activities that will harm yourself or others?
Do you refuse to participate in activities?
Do you get up very late?
Do you give with contempt?
Do you drink alcohol or eat constantly throughout the day?
Do you act in ignorance, without regard for consequences & which may harm others?
Do you consume heavily processed foods, meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, fermented foods, frozen foods, etc?
Do you work with an empty heart?
Are you disinterested in others?

Hopefully you haven’t answered yes to too many of these questions. If you have then you need to bring more sattva (pure creative energy) into your life…

If you would like to learn more about the 3 Gunnas there's a lovely book available called "Spiritual Compass by Satish Kumar". Available from Satmya & probably online too. This simple book teaches you how to bring more Sattva into your life.

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