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June 23, 2013

Pilâtes Helps People With Ankylosing Spondylitis Pilâtes practice may hieip peop…

by Kincora Therapy Centre

Pilâtes Helps People With
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Pilâtes practice may hieip peopie with ani<yiosing
spondyiitis to improve functional capacity,
reports a study published in Rheumatology
International (2012; 32 (7), 2093-99; doi:
AS is a chronic. Inflammatory disorder
characterized by pain and stiffness of the
back and the sacroiliac joints, but it can
also affect peripheral joints like the shoulder,
hip, knee and ankle. Over time, breathing
becomes increasingly difficult, and affected
joints eventually lose all mobility.
Researchers from Uludag University in
Bursa,Turkey, wanted to evaluate the benefits
of the Pilâtes method for people with AS
because of the emphasis that Pilâtes places
on spinal mobility and stability, core strengthening,
flexibility and conscious breathing.
Investigators randomly assigned 55 men
and women with AS into either a Pilâtes exercise
program (1 hour per week, three times a
week for 12 weeks) or a control group (standard
treatment). Assessments of functional
capacity, disease activity, chest expansion and
quality of life were taken before the intervention,
at 12 weeks and at 24 weeks. Fifty-three
participants completed the study.
At the 24-week mark, data analysis showed
significant improvement in functional capacity
among Pilâtes participants. An improvement in
disease activity was apparent at 12 weeks but
not at 24 weeks. Researchers believed that the
positive effect of Pilâtes on pain and fatigue
may have caused the improvement, but they
said participants needed to keep doing the
exercises regularly for benefits to continue.
An improvement in chest expansion seen at
12 weeks was no longer evident at 24 weeks.
Study authors suggested that Pilâtes could
be an effective and safe method for improving
physical capacity in AS patients and noted
that this was the first clinical study to investigate
the role of the Pilâtes method in AS
treatment. More research is needed.

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