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December 13, 2013

So you All know how much we believe in real food..real ingredients made by our o…

by The Wooden Spoon Killaloe

So you All know how much we believe in real food..real ingredients made by our own hands. In a time where it's cheaper and easier to buy everything from large catering companies that offer the same generic cakes and breads to everyone, its the hard working artisan producers and growers like ourselves, Jim, Fran and Elaine, Brock from Badger & Dodo Coffee , and Joe and Julie from Cloghjordon Wood-fired Bakery that really shine through. We believe in Local, Organic and Real. I am so pleased to have Julie with us tomorrow to tell us about their wonderful breads, some of which we will be selling on Saturdays in the cafe. Pop in tomorrow between 10.30 and 2.30 for a taste and a chat. Thanks for supporting #Real #Local #Food , Lxx

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