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June 11, 2010

Summer Fair in Ogonnelloe

by elaine

On Sunday 13th at 2pm there will be a summer fair at Ogonnelloe GAA pitch organised by the national school parents’ association.

There are great fun races and games planned and there will be a range of stalls including home baking, bring and buy, bbq and of course, the one I am most involved with is the school garden stall.

The children of all classes in the national school have sown and cared for a great variety of flowers, herbs and veg plants all Spring. In particular 3rd and 4th class, with their teacher Shimona Caulfield took on the responsibility of caring for the plants and keeping them weeded and watered and they have done a great job. At the fair we will sell their plants to raise funds for the school – they have a range of flowers (calendula, nasturtiums, cornflowers, rudbeckia) and herbs to offer – so come along and see their work and maybe bring home a pot or two to bring colour to your garden for the summer.

Related posts:

  1. Our produce in The Wooden Spoon
  2. A BIG thank you to our helpers
  3. Sowing herbs

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