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June 14, 2015

There's a very tired "hape" of people this week in Killaloe and Ballina – but it…

by Boru Tri Club

There's a very tired "hape" of people this week in Killaloe and Ballina – but it was worth it. A huge thanks to the Boru Build Crew who gave so much time this week to set up and take down the race – still a bit to do but nearly there.
Many thanks to all the marshals who helped to keep the athletes safe and on their path yesterday, the registration crew, refreshments (some lovely buns brought in thanks!) and a big shout out to Ava Mahony and Sinead for supplying the music.
There is a link temp results file on as Chipit are having issues uploading to their site.
Photos will be added as they come in – we'll feed them here.

BORUMAN Triathlon
BORUMAN 1000yrs Sprint Triathlon is set right in the heart of the home of the original BORUMAN, The High King of Ireland, Brian Boru. The event takes place in the twin towns Killaloe, Co. Clare and Ballina, Co. Tipperary, one of the most scenic destinations in Ireland on the majestic shores of Lough…

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