Tonight – meeting at Service station at Exit 27 Birdhill. Bright lights and hi v…
Tonight – meeting at Service station at Exit 27 Birdhill. Bright lights and hi viz gear ESSENTIAL.
1hr of Blood Sweat and Gears
Timeline Photos
The Dark Side Cycling is moving off the Turbo Trainer and going Night Rider style as of Weds 14th Jan.
We will be starting a full on hi intensity hr of training starting at Birdhill – aim is to hit the Anaerobic systems and hit 'em hard, hills or speed. Short warm up, no-kissin' kind of workout to improve performance on the bike. Anyone taking part will need hi viz gear and super strong hi lumens bike lamps/head torches and rear lights to see and be seen. Home and hosed by 7.45/8pm. Wayyy more fun than Turbo
So who's up for it? if you get wet – you'll be home in an hr anyway!