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November 15, 2012

Very often volunteers can get overlooked for the help that they give. We would l…

by The Killaloe Festival of Light

Very often volunteers can get overlooked for the help that they give. We would like to express our gratitude to all the volunteers (who will be listed in time) but particularly to 3 individuals who went above and beyond… We have 3 presents for these ladies, generously donated by local businesses.

Ellen – Thanks for helping out so much throughout the build up and during the event itself. Amazing and so well organised.

Helen – Thanks for baking your socks off for the pot luck table even though you just gave birth a month ago!! & for staying on to the bitter end (with your new baby) to judge the baking competition. An unbelieveable super mum:)

Lynda – for making amazing light installations, wiring up a gazillion jam jars and decorating the Cathedral.

Ellen – A voucher from the Greene Room, Hair Salon
Helen – A voucher from Calm Baby, Baby massage services
Lynda – A voucher from Satmya, Natural Medicine Centre

Thanks ladies

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