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January 6, 2012

Warm your cockles with a hot ginger foot bath. A very effective way to warm up y…

by Satmya

Warm your cockles with a hot ginger foot bath. A very effective way to warm up your entire body.

What you’ll need: basin, hot water, ginger powder or fresh root, towel

Set up a relaxing space – light candles, dim lights, put some nice tunes on, burn incense – whatever you fancy

Lay a thick towel out on the ground next to where you will place the foot bath. This creates a soft place for your feet to dry after the foot bath.

Fill a small basin large enough to fit both your feet with warm water. Add enough water to completely cover your feet up to your ankle on each leg. Make sure the water is hot enough to stay warm for about 10 to 15 minutes, but be careful not to burn your feet.

Stir about 1 tbsp. of powdered ginger or 5 slices of fresh root ginger into the water. Wait for the ginger powder to dissolve, and then mix with your hands if necessary. Add more ginger powder if you want. You don’t need more than 1/4 cup to fully experience the benefits of ginger.

Relax and enjoy your foot bath for at least 15minutes or until your feet look a little prunish

Gently pat your feet dry with the ends of the towel

Sit for a few minutes before rising and putting weight on your feet again.

Alternatively take a full ginger bath. Great for making you sweat and getting rid of toxins via the skin. Also very relieving for an achy, tired or cold body. (use Rosemary for a similar effect)

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