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September 14, 2010

Wash our hands…again!

by mumandminder

This morning like many of you I received a big envelope in the post from Safe food, the food safety promotion board here in Ireland. It contained two massive full colour laminate posters teaching a hand washing game similar to the one I posted here some months back in my ‘cut out and keep’ section

While I think that its great that the government are thinking in terms of educating young children on the importance of hygiene and hand washing and trying to instill such healthy habits, I do think that there are more cost effective and environmentally friendly ways to disseminate such information.

If they made the information available online through the relevant websites for the different childcare sectors, teachers and childcare works could simply learn the game and teach it, along with actions. This would have a far better chance of hitting home with pre-school children who always enjoy a song with actions taught by an engaged teacher. They can’t read our lovely colorful signs anyway!

I received two of these envelopes, so my name must be duplicated on their lists some how but can you just imagine the cost of printing and distribution alone…when they could have just come to my blog ;)

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